Is React native
App Development

Is React native good for mobile app development



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Choosing the right application development framework can be difficult. Developed by the robust Meta community, React Native can be your answer. If you are searching for the “Why”s, this article will give you some valid points to choose react native as the best framework for mobile application development. 

Is React native good for mobile app development

Rising demand for mobile application

A smartphone is not smart without applications. Now consumers need a specific app for every activity starting from food delivery to educational purposes. This has increased the demand for mobile applications. As per a survey by Statista, the period from 2022 to 2026 will see yearly growth of approx 9.27% in the app market revenue. By 2026, we can expect a market volume of US$614.40bn in the mobile app segment. 

Is react native compatible with app development

Yes surely. Top React native development is one of the most popular frameworks. The framework supports cross-platforms. You can develop apps with react native for both iOS and android. Introduced by the huge Facebook community, the framework has come a long way in terms of performance and compatibility with different platforms. 

Given the need for different categories of mobile applications, there is a necessity to choose a well-performing app development framework. This gives rise to the context of React Native as the mobile application development framework. 

You might be wondering why developers prefer using React native framework. This is not only for its cross-platform app development support. You can have plenty of benefits like code reusability, custom components, and the use of Javascript language. 

Now that you have found your answer regarding the compatibility of React Native with app development, let’s find out more about the framework and some key points on why you should develop an app with React native. 

React Native App Development

React Native is an open-source app creation framework. The framework is based on Javascript language, where you can write native codes to render a unique User Interface. 

What you have to be familiar with is the concept of React and the syntax of JavaScript. 

If you consider React and React Native as similar concepts, then you should know the difference between the two concepts. Consider the following points for the difference between React Native and React.

  • React can be said as the JavaScript library whereas React Native is a mobile app development framework. 
  • React being the extended framework developed from React is primarily meant for cross platform app development; however, React is focused on web application development. 
  • React supports CSS animations while React Native supports native animations. 

Although they have some similarities like both are open-sourced supported by the Meta community and use the JS library, they have several differences. 

 Now, let’s discuss some of the key factors which make react native good for app development. 

Motivational drive for the choice of React Native

Programming language

React native uses JavaScript language. This is one of the most common programming languages that everyone is aware of. Most professional developers kickstart their coding journey with javascript language. Even if you are not familiar with the language, you can learn some of its syntaxes and directly start learning the concept of React Native. Unlike the other newly developed programming language, you can find different Javascript-based resources on the internet. 


Flexibility is one of the benefits that you can enjoy while using React Native. First of all, you don’t have to learn the app development process for different platforms, you can use a single code base for both the iOS and Android platforms. With React Native flexibility can also be enjoyed in terms of customizing Core Components. You can use props and states to render an entirely new look to the Core native components like <Text>, <View>, <Image>, and others. This removes the hassle of code repetition. 

Also, you can use either the Expo CLI and React Native CLI for creating a react native app. This is the best flexibility that any app development framework can offer. 

Easy use of TurboNative Modules and Fabric components

With the evolution of React Native 0.70 version, you can access both Fabric components and Turbo modules. Turbo Modules can allow you to work on typed interfaces consistent across different platforms. It also helps in the lazy loading of native modules; thereby speeding up the application startup.

When building an app, you wouldn’t want to wait for a long app startup time. Right? Here, TurboModules can help. On the other hand, Fabric components, introduced in the 0.70 React native version can provide you with improved host performance interoperability. You can easily integrate with host frameworks that need synchronous APIs. 

Given all these benefits in the framework, you should consider using React Native. Let’s focus on two more fundamental reasons to select React Native. 

Cost saving criteria

The app development process can be costly but with the right resources and framework, you can save lots of bucks. Yes, with react native, you can build apps much lower than those built with native technologies. The main reason is that you don’t have to hire different developers for multiple platforms. You can rely on the same codebase for app development

Multi-platform support

For React Native, the advantage of cross-platform or multi-platform support goes without saying. So it is one of the prime reasons for which you can rely on the React native framework. 

Highlights from the latest version: 0.70 React Native 

Hermes: the Default option

In the 0.70 version, the Meta community considered Hermes as the in-house default engine for React Native. With this engine, you can visualize the performance of JavaScript in a react native-based app. The most common issue, which is the large size of a react native app, is solved with this default option. 

Auto linking features

While using React native, users often used to face issues with linking third-party libraries. Now with these auto-linking features, you can improve the app creation experience. You don’t have to deal with either Gradle status or CocoaPods. Just using a command of yarn add you can link the external libraries. 

Codegen: Unified configuration

Codegen allows you to build scaffolding code which simplifies the code reusability. With the 0.70 version of React Native, you can get this as an in-built option. In simple terms, the unified configuration of Codegen can help you to get rid of manually written code. 

Thus in this era of automation, you would like to choose React native and spend the remaining time on some other productive work. 

Concluding notes

React Native is the one-stop solution for app development. With a wide range of options available starting from cross-platform support to auto-linking features, you can design the UI of your app as well. With the new app-building technologies being introduced in the market, React Native will never lose its importance as a well-performing framework. One of the vital reasons is that the Meta community is continuously putting in the effort to keep up with the needs of users.

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Tanish Patel
Tanish is the founder and CEO of Devopreneurs , specializes in smart Internet marketing. He is a specialist in online marketing strategy and brand building. When he’s not considering the next best online marketing strategy with his team. we are happy to share your App story on Our devopreneurs. Write for us

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