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The Top 13 Investing Affiliate Programs


The world of investing is a fascinating place. If you have a website, you can help people via investing in affiliate programs. This allows readers to be more informed about their investing practices.

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By linking to affiliate programs, you can make a ton of money. It’s an industry with a lot of potential for profit. Plus, you know that you are helping people to make better investing decisions.

Investing is becoming a more and more profitable business. As a result, there is a wide range of customers out there.

Some of these customers will already have a lot of money invested, while others will not have a single cent invested.

If you’re interested in becoming an investment affiliate, here are 13 of the best programs out there for you to take advantage of.

The Top 13 Investing Affiliate Programs

1. Golden Eagle Coins

Our first pick is Golden Eagle Coins. This business allows you to invest money in a protected way. Investments are designed to be safe from recessions and market crashes.

Thus, customers don’t have to worry about losing money on their investments.

This site is dedicated to the collection and selling of gold and silver bullion. They have a wide variety of coins available, some of which are quite rare.

These precious metals tend to be valuable no matter what economic circumstance occurs, making this a relatively risk-free investment.

The program has a flat rate of $15 per sale. Regardless of the size of the sale, you will be given this commission.

Though $15 is a decent amount to earn through an affiliate program, it is not very high. It also means that you can miss out on large commissions.

This is because some people make large investments through Golden Eagle Coins. If the commission was a percentage, you could make significant amounts of money.

The good news is that you can receive bonuses of $50 on top of your commission for larger sales, namely any that are over $5,000.

Thus, you can still make a decent profit through the Golden Eagle Coins affiliate program. Unfortunately, such generous investors seldom occur, so you might never receive this bonus.

  • Commission: $15 for every sale
  • Cookie Length: 15 days

2. eToro

eToro is a well-known brand for financial trading and investments. The business has millions of users across the globe.

Consequently, there is a good chance that your customers will already be familiar with eToro. This makes them feel comfortable signing up to eToro, resulting in it being easier for you to create affiliate content.

eToro has lots of tools and resources for beginners, allowing them to make their first step into the world of finance. This is also a great entry point for your content.

You should consider that eToro’s commission rate will vary. However, you can make up to $160 for every sale. This is a massive amount of money to earn as an affiliate.

If you are able to divert a lot of traffic to eToro, you could make yourself a handsome pile of cash.

The program is available in a wide range of languages. eToro also provides lots of tools for affiliates to brand their website. This includes banners and widgets. This can make it incredibly easy to promote the brand.

  • Commission: Varies, up to $160 for every sale
  • Cookie Length: Unknown

3. Bitbond

Bitbond is revolutionizing the investment industry by offering services such as asset tokenization, on-chain settlement, and custody technology.

They also provide loans by establishing relationships between businesses and investors.

This brilliant site is particularly useful for small businesses, allowing them to apply for life-changing loans.

This is a great place to start writing content, enabling you to focus on small business owners as a target audience.

Bitbond offers loans across the world. This site is widely used by both borrowers and lenders.

The commission rate varies for Bitbond, which is something to bear in mind. You will get 5% for every lead, which is not very substantial.

Luckily, you will get a higher commission for other factors. If you send a new borrower to Bitbond, you will be rewarded with a 20% commission. Meanwhile, you will be given a 30% commission for introducing new lenders.

This is a good commission rate, making it possible for this affiliate program to be quite profitable.

  • Commission: 5% for every lead, between 20% and 30% commission
  • Cookie Length: Unknown

4. Ally Invest

Founded in 2005, Ally Invest is an all-encompassing investing company. Investments can either be managed or self-directed, giving the customer as much control over their investments as they desire.

Ally Invest is friendly to both experienced and novice investors. You can invest a small amount if you are new to the game, with a starting point of $100.

Ally Invest has loads of different customer-friendly features, such as 24/7 customer support.

As an affiliate, your commission rate will depend on which way of making money you pick. There are two magnificent methods.

For every lead, you will be given $25. There are different forms of leads, such as answering forms, so you can make this money quite easily.

The second form of commission you will receive is $50 for every new trading account.

The second option is worth more, but it may be more difficult to convince people to create trading accounts.

However, if you’re clever with your content, you might be able to get Ally Invest lots of new accounts, thus earning you $50 for each one.

The cookie length of 45 days is also a major advantage, as this is longer than the industry average.

For some unknown reason, many investing affiliate programs don’t disclose information about cookie duration, so we really appreciate Ally Invest’s openness.

  • Commission: $25 and $50 for every sale
  • Cookie Length: 45 days

5. Wall Street Journal

Did you know that the Wall Street Journal offers an investment affiliate program? The Wall Street Journal is one of the largest and most iconic news publications in the entirety of the United States.

Since its formation in 1889, the Wall Street Journal has been heavily associated with business and finance.

Therefore, it makes sense that it is considered a source of information on investing. Many of its readers are people who work in the business or finance industries.

As one of the oldest newspaper brands around, the Wall Street Journal has major name recognition and a strong sense of legacy. Thus, there is tons of content that you can write around it.

Moreover, the popularity of the Wall Street Journal will mean that people feel safe signing up for this site.

The Walls Street Journal has a paywall, meaning that you need to sign up to see certain content. This paywall is how affiliates make money.

If you manage to get someone to sign up for a subscription, whether that be online or for printed copies of the newspaper, you will be given $30. This is quite an effective way of making money.

After all, only customers who are eager to sign up for the Wall Street Journal will click on the link and subscribe.

Though the cookie length is quite disappointing, the $30 commission is a major benefit given the simplicity of this program.

  • Commission: $30
  • Cookie Length: 7 days

6. New Frontier Data

The legalization of cannabis in some areas has had an interesting impact on the world. Its effects can be seen in the world of financing.

New Frontier Data is a company dedicated to reporting and tracking tons of data on the cannabis industry.

In terms of investing, New Frontier Data is a rather niche source. It has a specific focus, which might make it hard to create affiliate content.

Moreover, not all website owners will be comfortable recommending a site associated with the legalization of cannabis.

Yet, if you feel that New Frontier Data is right for your site, we can certainly see a seizable niche to profit from.

Many experts within the investing industry will likely be interested in how well the cannabis industry is performing.

The commission rate of 15% is applied to all report sales made through your site.

Since some of the reports on this site are worth more than $3,000, there is a goldmine of money available through this affiliate program. For more expensive reports such as this, you can be rewarded $450.

The 90 days cookie length is another positive element.

Therefore, if your site has an adult audience, perhaps New Frontier Data is the optimal affiliate program for you.

  • Commission: 15%
  • Cookie Length: 90 days

7. Orbex

Orbex is a brand that focuses on financial technology. The business provides a broad array of brokerage services.

The commission that Orbex offers is CPA, meaning cost-per-action. Essentially, this means that what you earn will be based on what action the customer performs.

For services that earn Orbex more money, you will earn a higher commission. In many ways, this is preferable to a flat commission.

It means that you will receive a variety of commissions, some big and some small.

The maximum you can earn for CPA with Orbex is $1,500. Obviously, this is an incredibly substantial amount of money to earn, highlighting the immense potential for profit.

Unfortunately, not every action will earn you this much so you should remember to manage your expectations.

Orbex also provides lots of tools and resources for their partners, letting you make the most of this program.

  • Commission: Various CPA
  • Cookie Length: Unknown

8. Zacks Trade

Zacks is a brilliant financial resource, containing lots of research about stocks, cryptocurrency, and funding. This trading occurs in numerous countries.

Thus, there are lots of chances for investors to spread their reach, creating a more interesting investment portfolio.

The website also features educational resources, meaning that it is not just used by experienced investors. The site can also be a great place for beginners to start their trading journey.

The commission rate of $70 is amazing because it is above the norm. On the other hand, there is a catch to this commission.

Affiliates can only earn a commission when a brand new customer creates an account on the site. Unlike other sites, you cannot be rewarded with commissions for creating leads.

If you manage to persuade customers to sign up with Zacks and create an account, you can generate a sizable commission.

Sadly, you might just have to work a little harder to perfect your content before you can reach this stage.

To do this, we recommend using your content to explain what Zacks does. This will make your customers more informed, thus encouraging them to sign up for the platform.

The 7-day cookie length isn’t great, though lots of other investing affiliate programs offer similarly short durations.

  • Commission: $70
  • Cookie Length: 7 days

9. Peerstreet

This next option is a real estate investment platform. Real estate is a profitable industry, resulting in Peerstreet being a great option for people looking to boost their investments.

This brand is especially good if you have an interest in the property market.

The downside of real estate investments is that you need a lot of money to start. Plus, real estate can be quite a risky investment as prices are subject to frequent changes.

Luckily, Peerstreet helps you to avoid some of these risks.

By helping customers to make informed decisions, Peerstreet can ensure that people make good investments.

Unlike other real estate investment sites, you don’t need to be rich to get involved. You can start with an investment as small as $1,000.

Peerstreet offers a cookie length of 45 days, which is quite competitive when it comes to these affiliate programs.

The $30 lead is good as a flat rate. If you manage to generate multiple leads, you can see your rewards stacking up. By optimizing your content, you can ensure that traffic is decent.

This affiliate program is offered by CJ Affiliate, one of the leading networks. As a result, you can trust the quality of this program.

  • Commission: $30 for every lead
  • Cookie Length: 45 days

10. Kraken

Founded in 2011, Kraken is one of the best authorities for cryptocurrency in the United States. This cryptocurrency exchange has developed a strong user base, resulting in it being worth a lot of money.

One of the main benefits of Kraken is that they have an assortment of trading guides. Thus, you can start your investing journey with all the information that you need.

The commission rate of 20% per referral is great. A major consideration for affiliates is the $1,000 cap.

This means that you cannot earn commissions that exceed this amount. Few other investing affiliate programs offer this cap.

You can understand that Kraken does not want its affiliates to end up with ridiculous sums of money.

On the other hand, it can be frustrating from the perspective of the affiliate to lose out on high profits because of this cap.

Plus, Kraken has some strict requirements for its affiliates. For instance, social media accounts associated with their website must have a certain number of followers.

If you meet these requirements, it guarantees that you can make money through the program.

On a more positive note, the 180 days cookie length is really substantial. Few other programs are so generous with their cookie duration.

  • Commission: 20% with a cap of $1,000
  • Cookie Length: 180 days

11. Forex Mentor

Leaders in the Foreign Exchange Market found this fantastic company. Forex Mentor allows customers to learn about the industry from the best teachers possible.

Since 2003, the mission statement of this company has been to provide better teaching for trading.

These learned professionals will teach their customers techniques that have proven to be successful. As a result, customers are more likely to be skilled traders.

As an affiliate for Forex Mentor, you earn a commission rate of 30%. This is a high percentage, making it one of the most generous programs on this list.

The downside is that there may not be as large a market for Forex Mentor as some of these other programs.

This results in the conversation rate being minimal. The cookie length of 60 days is another strength of Forex Mentor.

If you are successful in tapping into this market, you could generate enough traffic to make some serious money.

For this program, you can gear content towards trading education. This will be especially useful for beginner traders.

  • Commission: 30%
  • Cookie Length: 60 days

12. CoinMama

The penultimate pick is CoinMama. This site is dedicated to the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin. This site offers more than just a fun name. It is used across the world in 188 different countries.

The CoinMama app is also super simple to use and it allows you to use the platform’s services from your phone. Therefore, you can check your cryptocurrency affairs on the go.

With a commission of 30%, CoinMama is incredibly generous. Interestingly, this is the same commission amount as the previous site, Forex Mentor.

Unlike Kraken, there is no limit to the amount you can make. Accordingly, you can end up with a huge profit.

The referral commissions last a lifetime, adding to the amount you can make. So long as you get a lot of referrals for CoinMama, you’re certain to be floating in cash.

The cryptocurrency exchange also offers various payment methods. Therefore, you can pick the one that works best for you as an affiliate.

Overall, CoinMama’s affiliate program is one of the most generous and competitive out there. If you think that cryptocurrency content belongs on your site, this may be the ideal investing affiliate program.

  • Commission: 30%
  • Cookie Length: Unknown

13. The Motley Fool

Our final selection is the Motley Fool. This site has been around for a very long time. Namely, it was founded in 1993. Because of this, it is considered a reputable source.

This website provides useful advice regarding finances and investments. As the name suggests, it does so in a fun way.

This honesty has resulted in people really trusting the Motley Fool. Plus, people find comfort in the fact that it is fun in an industry that can be extremely serious.

As an affiliate, this is a major win. It makes recommending this platform so much easier because you won’t have to worry about introducing your audience to it.

Instead, most of your customers will likely already know what the Motley Fool is, especially if they are already in the world of financing.

Frustratingly, the information on this affiliate program is quite sparse. Its network, Awin, is notorious for providing very little information.

Therefore, it was difficult for us to ascertain the commission for this program.

So why did we include it on this list? This was mainly because the Motley Fool has been around for a long time and has a positive reputation in the investment industry.

Not to mention, the positive reviews that this program has received convinced us that it needed to be added.

There have been extraordinary success stories of the Motley Fool affiliates getting approximately $100 commissions for sign-ups.

As this commission is not to be sniffed at, the Motley Fool is an affiliate program that you should seriously contemplate using.

  • Commission: Various
  • Cookie Length: 60 days

How Was This List Formed?

You may be wondering how we managed to produce this list of the best 13 investing affiliate programs. After all, there are hundreds of programs to choose from.

To pick the top affiliate programs, we researched each of these investing programs in detail. We considered factors such as the cookie length, the commission rate, and the user base.

We wanted to find affiliate programs that offered fantastic commissions. This is because they allow affiliates to make lots of money.

Moreover, we aimed to find lengthy cookie durations so that it was easier for affiliates to make sales.

Having a good reputation and a large user base was also vital, as it is easier for these investing platforms to generate customers.

Finally, we also thought about what each of these investing platforms offered.

Not only because offering good services allows affiliates to write high-quality content, but it’s also good to recommend services that can help people.

By considering all of these factors, we were able to create a list of the 13 best investing affiliate programs out there.

Final Thoughts

You will now be in a more informed position to pick an investing affiliate program. Though it can be hard to select a program, this guide should make things easier.

By becoming an investing affiliate, you can not only make money for yourself but also help others to make more money. This is a wonderful win-win opportunity!

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Tanish Patel
Tanish is the founder and CEO of Devopreneurs , specializes in smart Internet marketing. He is a specialist in online marketing strategy and brand building. When he’s not considering the next best online marketing strategy with his team. we are happy to share your App story on Our devopreneurs. Write for us

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