Technical Tips

10 web development services that will help you grow your business


When choosing web development services for your business, one of the biggest decisions you will have to make is which one to go with. As with most decisions of this nature, there are certain things you should look out for and ask yourself before making your final decision. Here are 10 web development services that will help your business grow and succeed in today’s fast-paced tech industry.

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1) Hire a Developer

Today, companies and start-ups need a website in order to succeed. The internet is constantly growing, so it’s important to have a steady flow of customers coming through. A marketing plan isn’t just about ads or social media campaigns anymore; it’s about having an eye-catching website with information on how you can assist customers in their needs. To find out how tech startups are using WordPress as a foundation for growth, check out our guide on How Small Businesses Are Using WordPress for Success. And when you’re ready to hire a developer or designer, look no further than our list of 10 best web development services in America.

Integrate with 3rd Party Applications

Many websites integrate with third-party applications, giving their users more functionality. For example, an online shopping site might integrate with a payment gateway so users can pay for items directly on its site. While these kinds of integrations are a great feature, they can be tricky to implement and any issues can lead to major problems for businesses.

Make sure to research your options thoroughly and find providers who specialize in integration solutions; if you’re using one provider for many parts of your solution, it’s important to work with an expert who understands how all of those pieces fit together. The more seamless each piece works with all others (and helps accomplish one big goal), the better chance it has of performing well—and running smoothly over time.

Enlist Expertise

If you’re launching a new website, designing it yourself can be a risky move. You need to have expertise in a range of disciplines: design, content strategy, information architecture, and programming. Hiring an expert means one less thing for you to worry about—someone who knows what they’re doing takes care of all those details.

 Ideally, look for someone who comes recommended by a colleague or friend (be sure to ask if they were happy with their service). All professional designers should be able to clearly articulate why they would make certain design decisions—this is important because businesses change quickly and you don’t want any unexpected surprises down the road when making major revisions or redesigns.

4) Extend With Plugins

WordPress is a powerful platform, but it can be made even more powerful with plugins. There are thousands of different WordPress plugins available, but here are some of our favorites. Social plugins like Jetpack, All-in-One SEO Pack, and ShareThis can help increase brand exposure by improving social media and search engine optimization.

Analytics plugins like Google Analytics and Clicky give an overview of where visitors come from, how they found your site, and what they do when they’re there. Content plugins like Yoast’s SEO plugin, Backlinks Analysis, and Broken Link Checker helps you fine-tune your content for better search rankings and visitor experience. Security is also a concern so HTTPS Everywhere and iThemes Security are great to protect yourself against malware attacks and reduce vulnerability to hacks.

5) Get Mobile Website Help

While having a mobile-optimized website may not seem like a big deal, statistics show that up to 50% of users on most devices use Google to find local businesses. In other words, your business is likely being lost or disadvantaged by not having one. Of course, there are many reasons for creating an app beyond being able to offer a mobile experience to customers. If you’re looking for development services in order to get started with creating an app, we’ve listed some of our favorites below.

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All include quotes from either the company or their clients so you can see what they can do and how much it costs (what a novel concept!). The companies were selected based on several factors including client reviews, industry reputation and awards won/endorsements received.

6) Access Control & Security Features

With Google Alerts and a strong firewall, nothing is more important than access control and security. If a competitor hacks into your site, changes can be made in mere minutes without anyone knowing, making sure to keep an eye on all critical security features at all times. Proper access control also helps to reduce spam and other problematic content from being posted on your site and protects against attacks like DDoS or denial of service attacks.

It may sound intimidating but can actually be done quite easily with a few simple steps. We’ll go over some of those below! However, before we get started with basic steps, it’s very important to realize that website security isn’t just about protecting yourself but everyone else as well. Hackers often rely on poor access controls set up by websites to do things like launch their own bots for DDOS attacks or deface a website by hacking it and changing information within.

While these types of goals seem petty, there are plenty of examples where thousands (or even millions) worth of damage has been caused when just one website goes down due to insufficient security protocols put in place!

Clean Up HTML Code with Template Organizers

When dealing with HTML code, it’s easy to get lost in a tangle of code. While many people think templates are only useful for coding, they can also be useful for other types of writing—even creative writing! It can save time too; why waste time navigating through various sites when they have done all the work for you? Check out our list below if you want to know more about these 10 best Web Development Services in the USA.

Stay Updated On Latest Trends

With so many web design and development trends to choose from, it can be hard to decide which is best for your business. From simple content management systems to modern eCommerce software, we’ve put together a list of 10 of our favorites based on both their ease of use and their effectiveness.

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Don’t waste time trying to figure out what’s trendy today—these are tried-and-true solutions that have proven themselves over years in some cases! Let these top ten service providers help with all your website needs; they should be able to accommodate nearly any need you might have. [Links]

Build An Innovative Mobile App

. With social media becoming more and more prominent, having an app with which to connect is a must. One thing that may seem daunting is creating an innovative and user-friendly mobile app.

Thankfully, there are plenty of mobile apps to choose from, including ones that can be customized for individual needs such as TinyTap or FancyHands. An app can give users access to your products and information whenever they want (and wherever they are) by putting everything at their fingertips on a mobile device!

See What Others Are Saying About Them

When it comes to online digital marketing, nothing is more important than ratings and reviews. How do you know which ad company is going to be effective? How do you know which app developer is going to build something useful? Check out other companies’ social media pages and see what others are saying about them. Pay close attention to photos, testimonials, and statistics. If others have been happy with their services then there’s a pretty good chance you’ll like them too! When in doubt, check out a site like Kudzu or Yelp where users can review businesses they’ve interacted with based on their own experiences.

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